Oil and Gas Exploration
Data Modelling for the Real World.
Shell International Exploration & Production, Rijswijk, Netherlands August 2001 – May 2004
Part of a small team and provided the Modular Reservoir Simulation product suite with C++ CORBA interoperability between components, a framework architecture in which the well simulation software ran and general development support for the Qt client side GUI which also made some use of OpenGL for visualization.
Development: Enhanced a VC++ 6.0/C++/Qt application framework for XP/AIX/Linux/Solaris/IRIX which provided reference counting, persistency and session management and integrated this into the MHR suite. A 2-tier layered architecture was designed to support well modeling and simulation. Objects were loaded from a multi-threaded CORBA server into a X-platform Windows XP/Linux client with Qt 3.3 GUIs either interactively or in batch mode by means of client-side, URL defined, data sources. Server-side VC++ win32 database plugins were written to provide an ODBC connection to MS ACCESS for the XP version/ live corporate database data connectivity, table, well geometry and planning.
Development: CORBA 2.4 features of indirect binding/automatic server activation (IMR), IOR files and lazy-activation/incarnation of servant objects (POA) exploted to develop the C++ framework. This framework provided hooks for the application to have a save/restore point for the client data state on the file system. Use of Smart pointer reference counting, an evictor pattern servant locator, the loading of project data using IOR files as initial references into a remote server and the conversion of the initial table server from JAVA to C++ were examples of work completed. XP and waterfall development processes.